Do the Right Thing

35th ANNIVERSARY! Writer and director Spike Lee’s enduring 1989 Oscar nominated film was the winner of over 21 awards at the time and has since become recognised as one of the best - if not the best - films from the 1980s. As powerful today as when it was released, the film co-stars Spike Lee, Ossie Davis, John Turturro, Bill Nunn, Ruby Dee, Samuel L. Jackson, Martin Lawrence and Rosie Perez. Salvatore "Sal" Fragione (Danny Aiello) is the Italian owner of a pizzeria in Brooklyn. A neighborhood local, Buggin' Out (Giancarlo Esposito), becomes upset when he sees that the pizzeria's Wall of Fame exhibits only Italian actors. Buggin' Out believes a pizzeria in a black neighborhood should showcase black actors, but Sal disagrees and tensions rise.

120 Minutes
Thursday, 23 May 2024